Oswestry Chess Club

About Us


We are based in Oswestry, Shropshire and we meet at The Senior Citizens’ Club, Lorne St, Oswestry, SY11 1ND. The building is just a few seconds walk from Oaktree Car Park SY11 1ND. Once parked up you can find the Club by following the green arrow on the diagram below.

Owing to the steep rise in the cost of hiring the building we are looking for an alternative venue as mentioned on the Club News page.

Club Night Dates

The hike in the hiring fee has forced us into cutting the frequency of Club Nights from weekly to fortnightly (and we don't like that at all). Club Night dates are listed on our Club Calendar page. Start time is 7.30.

Membership Rates

The increased cost of hire has forced us to increase members' subs:


If you have any questions or require further details, then please contact Jonathan Smith, the Club secretary — 07855 093828. So heave yourself off the sofa, log out of social media, abandon the online blitz chess for a while and come and push some pieces around. We hope to see you soon.