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Oswestry Chess Club
[Event "Cox Trophy"] [White "Van Kemenade, J."] [Black "Etchells, Michael"] [Site "?"] [Round "Rd1 Bd4"] [Annotator "Van Kemenade,Rudy"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [Date "2024.12.12"] [ECO "C64"] [WhiteElo "1640"] [BlackElo "1583"] [PlyCount "70"] [GameId "2122638296219679"] [EventDate "2024.12.14"] {[%evp 0,13,12,20,-17,10,18,12,33,28,33,11,13,59,7,18]} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Bc5 4. O-O d6 5. d3 (5. c3 {main}) 5... Bg4 (5... Nf6 {main}) 6. h3 Bh5 7. Be3 {Cloud Engines} (7. Nc3 Nge7 8. Bg5 {0-8}) 7... Bb6 (7... Bxe3 8. fxe3 $11 {but gives Wh chances down the f file} Nge7 9. Nbd2 O-O 10. c3 {Simanowski-Vavro, NRW ch U12, Kranenburg 2008,1-0}) 8. c3 Nf6 (8... Nge7 9. Nbd2 O-O 10. g4 Bg6 11. Nh4 Nc8 12. Nf5 Bxf5 13. gxf5 Qh4 14. Kh2 Kh8 15. Rg1 Bxe3 16. fxe3 Qf2+ 17. Rg2 Qxe3 18. Qg4 Qf4+ 19. Qxf4 exf4 20. Bxc6 bxc6 21. Rf1 $11 {Osetrov-Markov,Kimry Autumn 2010,1/2-1/2}) 9. Nbd2 O-O 10. Re1 (10. Qc2 a6 {2-0}) 10... Ne7 $146 (10... a6 11. Ba4 Bxe3 12. Rxe3 b5 13. Bb3 Na5 14. Nf1 Nxb3 15. Qxb3 Bg6 16. Ng3 Nh5 $11 {Kneutgen-Weisshaupt,Mittelrhein ch tm 2012,1/2-1/2}) (10... Re8 11. Nf1 a6 12. Ba4 Bxe3 13. Rxe3 b5 14. Bc2 Qd7 15. Ng3 Bg6 16. a4 $14 {Devallee-Bidault, Ville d'Orsay online blitz 2021,1-0}) 11. g4 (11. d4 $14 {SF17}) 11... Nxg4 $5 (11... Bg6 $11) 12. hxg4 Bxg4 13. Bxb6 (13. Kh1 f5 14. Rg1 d5 15. exd5 Nxd5 16. Bxb6 axb6 17. Qe1 $18 {SF17}) (13. d4 {vk and SF17 second line- threaten to unpin with Be2} f5 14. dxe5 fxe4 15. Qb3+ Kh8 16. Nh2 Bxe3 17. Rxe3 Nf5 18. Rxe4 $18) 13... axb6 14. Re3 Ng6 15. Qf1 (15. Kh1 Nf4 16. Qg1 f5 17. d4 Rf6 18. Nh2 Kh8 19. Bf1 $14 {SF17}) 15... Nf4 $11 16. Nh2 Qh4 17. Ndf3 (17. Nxg4 Qxg4+ 18. Rg3 Ne2+ 19. Kg2 Nf4+ {repetition} (19... Nxg3 20. fxg3 f5 21. Bd7 g6 22. Nf3 Rad8 23. Be6+ Kg7 24. exf5 Rf6 (24... gxf5 25. Nh4 $18) 25. Nh2 Qg5 26. g4 gxf5 27. Bxf5 h5 28. Nf3 Qf4 29. Nh4 Qg5 30. Nf3 {Sf17 repetition})) (17. d4 Nh3+ 18. Kg2 Nf4+ 19. Kg1 (19. Kh1 Bh3 20. Qe1 Ng2 21. Qe2 Nf4 22. Qe1 Ng2) 19... Nh3+ {SF17-repetition}) 17... Nh3+ 18. Kg2 Nf4+ 19. Kh1 Qh5 (19... Qh6 20. Qg1 f5 21. Bc4+ Kh8 22. Qg3 Bxf3+ 23. Qxf3 Rf6 24. Rg1 Raf8 25. Qg3 Rg6 26. Qf3 Rgf6 27. Qg3 {SF17 repetition}) 20. Qg1 (20. Ng1 {vk- covers h3 and e2} Qh6 21. d4 Kh8 $11 {SF17- here means both sides have equal chances rather than level}) 20... f5 (20... Be6 21. Bc4 Bxc4 22. dxc4 f5 23. Qg5 Qxg5 24. Nxg5 h6 25. Nh3 fxe4 26. Nxf4 Rxf4 27. Re2 Raf8 $11 28. Kg2 {SF17- Bl has 3 pawns for the piece, roughly eqiuivalent for both sides}) 21. exf5 (21. Qg3 Qh6 22. Nh4 (22. Qh4 Bh5 23. Rg1 Kh8 24. Bc4 b5 $11) 22... Nh5 23. Qg1 Nf4 24. exf5 Bh3 25. Qg3 Bxf5 26. Rg1 (26. Nxf5 Rxf5 27. Bd7 Rg5 28. Bg4 Rf8 29. Rg1 Qf6 $11) 26... Be6 27. Bc4 Bxc4 28. dxc4 Rxa2 29. Ng4 Qg5 30. Nxe5 Qxg3 31. fxg3 dxe5 32. gxf4 Rxf4 33. Ng2 Rf2 34. b3 Rab2 $11 {SF17- as before both sides have chances}) 21... Bh3 22. Qg5 $2 (22. Qg3 Bg2+ 23. Kg1 Rxf5 24. Bd7 Rf6 25. Bg4 Qf7 26. Ng5 Qg6 27. Ne4 Bxe4 28. dxe4 $11) 22... Bg2+ 23. Kg1 Rxf5 $2 (23... Nh3+ 24. Kxg2 Nxg5 $19) 24. Qxh5 Rxh5 25. Ne1 (25. Bc4+ Kh8 26. d4 $18 {SF17}) 25... Bh3 (25... Bd5 $11 {SF17}) 26. d4 (26. Bc4+ Kh8 27. d4 d5 28. Bb3 $16 (28. Bf1 $16 {SF17})) 26... Rf8 (26... exd4 27. Bc4+ d5 28. Rf3 dxc4 29. Rxf4 Rg5+ 30. Kh1 d3 31. Nhf3 (31. Rxc4 d2 32. Nhf3 (32. Nef3 Bg2+ 33. Kg1 Bxf3+ 34. Kf1 Rxa2 $19) 32... dxe1=Q+ 33. Nxe1 Be6 $19) 31... Rh5 32. Kg1 b5 33. Ng2 c5 34. Ne3 Ra6 $11 {SF17}) 27. dxe5 $18 c6 28. Bc4+ {SF17} d5 29. Bf1 (29. Bd3 Re8 30. Nhf3 $18 {SF17}) 29... Rff5 (29... Bxf1 30. Nxf1 Nh3+ 31. Rxh3 Rxh3 32. Ng3 $18 {SF17}) 30. Nef3 (30. Nd3 Rfg5+ 31. Rg3 Nxd3 32. Bxd3 Rxe5 33. Nf3 Re7 34. Rg5 Rh6 35. a4 $18 {SF17}) 30... Rh6 31. Bxh3 Nxh3+ 32. Kf1 Nf4 33. Kg1 {both sides short of time} (33. e6 $1 $18 {SF17} Nxe6 (33... Kf8 34. e7+ Ke8 35. a4 c5 36. b4 d4 37. cxd4 Nd5 38. Ree1 Nxb4 39. Rad1 Rd5 40. Re4 Rf6 41. Rg4 Rf7 42. Ne5 Rxe7 43. Nhf3 cxd4 44. Rdxd4 (44. Nc4 Nc6 45. Nxb6 $18 {SF17- even more obscure}) 44... Rxd4 45. Rxd4 Nc6 46. Rd5 Nxe5 47. Nxe5 {SF17- but a long difficult game in prospect}) 34. Rxe6 Rxe6 35. Nd4 Rfe5 36. Nxe6 Rxe6 37. Nf3 $18) (33. a4 Rf8 34. a5 Ra8 35. Ra4 Ne6 36. b4 $18 {SF17 second line,}) 33... Nh3+ 34. Kf1 (34. Kg2 Nf4+ 35. Kh1 Nh3 36. Rf1 $18 {not SF17 preferred continuation as the Wh pieces need quite a bit of untangling} Kf8 37. Rd3 Ke7 38. Rd2 g5 39. Ng1 Nf4 40. Ne2 Rxe5 41. Nxf4 gxf4 42. f3 Rhe6 43. Ng4 Re2 44. Rxe2 Rxe2 45. Rf2 Re1+ 46. Kg2 h5 47. Nh2 b5 48. Kh3 c5 49. Kh4 Re5 50. Nf1 $16 {SF17}) 34... Nf4 35. Kg1 Nh3+ 1/2-1/2
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