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Oswestry Chess Club
[Event "Darwinian Kts A v Oswestry A"] [Site "Shrewsbury"] [Date "2024.10.08"] [Round "Brd 3"] [White "Bailey, Adrian"] [Black "Holyhead, James"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A57"] [WhiteElo "1774"] [BlackElo "1630"] [Annotator "Rudy van Kemenade"] [PlyCount "80"] [GameId "2098765989688424"] [EventDate "2024.10.09"] [SourceVersionDate "2024.09.14"] {[%evp 0,25,34,29,35,-5,43,43,70,54,60,66,104,96,107,62,77,59,59,56,72,69,57,71,72,75,94,90]} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. e3 (5. bxa6) (5. b6 {main lines}) 5... g6 6. Nc3 Bg7 7. Nf3 O-O 8. Bc4 (8. a4 Bb7 9. Ra3 e6 {main line; 63 % for Wh}) 8... axb5 9. Bxb5 Ba6 10. Bxa6 Nxa6 {40% for Wh} 11. O-O d6 12. e4 Ng4 (12... Qb6) (12... Nd7) (12... Qa5 {main lines- all have Wh's scores in the 40 +% range}) 13. Bf4 (13. Nd2 Ne5 14. f4 Nd3 15. Qe2 Nxc1 16. Raxc1 $16 {Halldorsson-Palsson, ISL ch 65 +, 1979,1-0}) 13... Qb6 (13... Qa5 14. h3 Nf6 15. e5 $18 {Zhuravleva-Bogumil, Titled Tuesday int blitz 2021,1-0}) 14. Qd2 Rfb8 15. Rab1 Qa5 (15... Nc7 16. Qc2 Qa5 17. Nd2 Bxc3 18. bxc3 Rxb1 19. Rxb1 Nb5 20. Rb3 Ne5 $14 {SF17}) 16. h3 $18 Nf6 17. Bh6 (17. e5 Ne8 18. Rfe1 Nac7 19. Bg5 Bf8 20. Bh6 $18 {SF17}) 17... Nxe4 $2 {a miscalculation, forgetting that Bs can go backwards as well} (17... Nc7 18. Bxg7 Kxg7 19. a4 Rb4 20. Rfe1 Qb6 21. Qe3 e6 (21... Rxb2 22. Rxb2 Qxb2 23. Rb1 Qa3 24. Rb7 Rc8 25. Kh2 Nd7 26. Nd2 $18 {SF17- Bl must return a pawn to let the Q get out}) 22. dxe6 Nxe6 23. e5 dxe5 24. Nxe5 $16 {SF17}) 18. Nxe4 Qxd2 19. Bxd2 $18 Nb4 20. Bxb4 Rxb4 21. Nc3 Rab8 22. Rfc1 (22. Nd1 Ra8 23. a3 Rxa3 24. bxa3 Rxb1 25. Nd2 Ra1 26. Nc4 Bd4 27. Nde3 {SF17 is fine fow Wh}) 22... Bh6 (22... Rxb2 23. Rxb2 Rxb2 24. a3 Kf8 25. Kf1 Ke8 26. Ke1 Kd7 27. Nd2 Bh6 28. Ncb1 $18 {SF17}) 23. Rc2 Bg7 24. Nd1 Ra8 25. Nc3 Rab8 (25... Bxc3 26. Rxc3 Rxa2 27. b3 Kf8 28. Kf1 h5 29. Rd3 Ra3 30. Nd2 $18 {SF17}) 26. a4 (26. b3) 26... Rc4 27. Nd2 Rcb4 28. Re1 Kf8 29. Ndb1 Ke8 30. Rce2 Bf6 31. Ne4 Bxb2 (31... Be5 32. Nxc5 Rxb2 33. Rxb2 Bxb2 34. Nd3 Bd4 35. Nd2 Ra8 36. Nc4 Rxa4 37. Nxd6+ Kf8 38. Nb5 $18 {Sf17}) 32. Nxd6+ Kd7 33. Nb5 (33. Nxf7) 33... Bf6 34. N1c3 h5 35. Ne4 Bd4 36. Nxd4 Rxd4 37. Nc3 (37. Nxc5+ Kd6 38. Ne4+ Kxd5 39. Ng5 Rxa4 40. Nxf7 $18 {SF17}) 37... Rc4 (37... e6 $5 38. dxe6+ fxe6 39. a5 Ra8 40. Ra1 Ra6 41. Re4 $18 {SF17}) 38. Rxe7+ Kd6 39. Nb5+ Kxd5 (39... Rxb5 {stops mate, but goes a R down}) 40. Rd1+ (40. Rd7+ $1 {SF17} Kc6 41. Rd6+ Kb7 42. Re7+ Kc8 43. Rc7# (43. Na7#)) 40... Kc6 (40... Rd4 {clings on}) 1-0
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