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Oswestry Chess Club
[Event "Oswestry A v Shrewsbury A"] [Site "?"] [Date "2024.10.31"] [Round "Brd 5"] [White "Greenwood, Shane"] [Black "Van Kemenade, J."] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B07"] [WhiteElo "1687"] [BlackElo "1618"] [Annotator "Rudy van Kemenade"] [PlyCount "64"] [GameId "2107448472834962"] [EventDate "2024.11.01"] {[%evp 0,64,28,31,75,75,75,27,11,16,43,49,26,22,25,14,47,51,50,55,93,107,86,48,61,38,42,23,32,26,-9,-31,-42,-20,-41,-92,-93,-104,-120,-119,-119,-201,-152,-219,-200,-295,-317,-389,-404,-429,-407,-454,-513,-511,-437,-632,-632,-1337,-1476,-29989,-29990,-29993,-29994,-29997,-29998,-29999,-29999]} 1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Bd3 (3. Nc3 {main}) 3... e5 4. Nf3 Nbd7 5. O-O Be7 6. h3 h6 (6... c6 {3-2}) 7. c3 c6 8. Be3 (8. Re1 Qc7 9. Nbd2 g5 10. Nf1 Nf8 11. Ng3 g4 12. hxg4 Bxg4 13. Nf5 O-O-O {Morgans-Van Kemenade, Newport 2018,0-1}) 8... Qc7 9. Nbd2 Rg8 (9... g5 {1-4}) (9... Nf8 {1-1-3}) 10. Re1 g5 11. dxe5 {usually opening the centre is a good reply to a side attack. However here the D file being opened is clogged up with Wh pieces} dxe5 12. g4 $2 {it is seldom a good idea to make an unforced pawn advance on the side where one is being attacked, especially if the K is involved. It just creates targets for attack.} Nf8 {building up} (12... h5 {immediately is possible, used by SF17, considered by Bl} 13. Bc4 (13. Bxg5 $2 hxg4 $19) 13... Nb6 14. Bb3 hxg4 15. Nxg5 Rg7 16. a4 gxh3 17. a5 h2+ 18. Kh1 Nbd7 19. Qe2 Nf8 $17 {SF17- quite a few complexities to calculate}) 13. Nf1 Ng6 14. Ng3 Nf4 (14... h5 $1 {SF17} 15. Nh2 (15. gxh5 Nf4 16. Bf1 (16. Bxf4 gxf4 {loses the N now}) 16... g4 $19) 15... hxg4 16. hxg4 Nf4 $17 {SF17}) 15. Bxf4 gxf4 16. Nf5 h5 17. Nh2 {now Wh is reduced to passive defence} (17. g5 {had to be tried} Bxf5 (17... Ng4 $5 {was one idea considered by B;l} 18. Bc4 (18. hxg4 hxg4 19. Nh2 Rxg5 20. Nxg4 Bxf5 21. exf5 O-O-O 22. Kf1 f6 $11 {SF17}) 18... Bc5 19. Re2 Nxf2 20. Rxf2 Bxf5 21. exf5 e4 22. g6 $1 $18) (17... Nh7 18. h4 Bxg5 {SF17} (18... f6 19. Bc4) (18... Be6 19. Kh1 O-O-O 20. Qe2 Nf8 (20... f6 21. Bc4 $18) (20... Bxg5 21. hxg5 Nxg5 22. Rad1 Kb8 23. Rg1 Nxf3 24. Qxf3 Rxg1+ 25. Kxg1 Bxa2 26. Bf1 Rg8+ 27. Kh2 Be6)) 19. Nxg5 Nxg5 20. hxg5 Rxg5+ 21. Kh2 Bxf5 22. exf5 O-O-O 23. Qf3 Rg4 24. Bf1 Rh4+ 25. Bh3 Rg8 26. Rad1 Rgg4 27. Rd3 $16) 18. exf5 O-O-O 19. Qc2 e4 20. Bxe4 Nxe4 21. Qxe4 Bxg5 22. Kf1 Qa5 23. Rad1 Bf6 $11 {SF17}) 17... Be6 $19 (17... Bxf5 18. exf5 O-O-O $19 {SF17}) 18. Qe2 (18. Bc2 {holds up 0-0-0} a5 19. Kg2 Bc5 20. Rb1 Bd7 21. Qe2 O-O-O $19 {SF17}) 18... hxg4 19. hxg4 (19. Nxg4 O-O-O 20. b4 Rg5 21. Rad1 Rh8 22. Kg2 Bxf5 23. exf5 Nd5 $19 {SF17} 24. Qc2 (24. Rc1 f3+ 25. Qxf3 Nf4+) 24... f3+ $19) 19... O-O-O 20. f3 Nh7 (20... Rh8) 21. Kf1 Ng5 22. Kg2 Rh8 23. b4 (23. Rad1 {at least brings the QR into play, though SF17 has Bl winning comfortably in all variations}) 23... Rh3 24. Rh1 Bxf5 25. exf5 Rg3+ 26. Kf1 Qd6 (26... Qb6 {with major threats as well, Wh does best to give a B with} 27. Qf2 (27. Rd1 Nh3 28. Ke1 e4 29. fxe4 (29. Nf1 exf3 30. Qc2 Rg1 $19 {with numerous threats}) 29... Re3 $19 {wins Q for starters}) 27... Qxf2+ 28. Kxf2 Rxd3 $19 {SF17}) 27. Be4 (27. f6 {SF17} Qxf6 28. Bf5+ Kb8 29. Rd1 Bd6 30. Ke1 e4 $19 {Wh remains tied down}) 27... Qh6 28. Ke1 (28. Bxc6 bxc6 {and Wh has no perpetual, so gets mated} (28... Qxc6 {just keeps a huge advantage})) 28... Nxe4 29. Qxe4 (29. fxe4 Re3 {losing Q, delays the forced mate.}) 29... Qh4 {quickest} (29... Rg2 {also when SF17 gives as best} 30. Qe2) 30. Kf2 (30. Kf1 Qh3+ 31. Ke1 Rg1+ 32. Rxg1 Bh4+ 33. Ke2 Qxh2+ 34. Kf1 Qf2#) 30... Rd2+ 31. Ke1 (31. Qe2 Rg2+ 32. Kxg2 Rxe2+ 33. Kf1 Qf2#) 31... Rgg2+ 32. Kf1 Qf2# {tripling on the 7th rank} 0-1
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