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Oswestry Chess Club
[Event "Oswestry A v Telepost A"] [Site "Oswestry"] [Date "2024.09.19"] [Round "Brd 3"] [White "Bench, Fred"] [Black "Fisher, Peter S"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B21"] [WhiteElo "1792"] [BlackElo "1670"] [Annotator "Rudy van Kemenade"] [PlyCount "65"] [GameId "2091921082639410"] [EventDate "2024.09.20"] {[%evp 0,20,25,25,47,17,17,11,20,5,31,20,33,11,26,16,42,-5,7,7,0,20,20]} 1. e4 c5 2. d4 cxd4 (2... Nc6 3. dxc5 Qa5+ 4. Nc3 Qxc5 5. Be3 Qa5 6. Bc4 {Bench-Slegg, Shropshire League 2022,1-0}) 3. c3 {the Morra Gambit} dxc3 4. Nxc3 d6 (4... Nc6 {main- as it happens this N never gets out and dies on its starting point on move 31.}) 5. Nf3 e6 (5... Nc6) 6. Bc4 a6 7. O-O {a comment here is that up to now Bl's response to Wh's gambit has been to move a pawn 3 times, each time allowing Wh to develop a piece. And yet , when Bl does bring a pice out, the main continuation ist o move yet another pawn, which gives Wh only 45%.} Nf6 {in retrospect it is difficult to find an individual move to establish where Bl goes wrong in this game. But one reason is a neglect of control over e5. Hence theory suggests that Bl needs to play Ne7-g6.} (7... b5 8. Bb3 Ra7 $1 {42% for Wh}) 8. Qe2 Qc7 {a standard place for the Q in the Sician, but then there is normally a pawn on c2. Here the open file will create problems later on} 9. Rd1 Be7 10. Bf4 {the N goes offside and loose. Bl is virtually forced to occupy e5 now before Wh does} Nh5 {The N goes offside & loose. It will be forced to retreat and in the meantime the B is driven back to a square it is quite happy on. Bl is here virtually forced to occupy e5 before Wh gets there instead} (10... e5 11. Bg5 Nbd7 12. Rac1 Qb8 {1-0-4}) 11. Be3 O-O (11... Nc6 12. Rac1 O-O 13. Bb3 Nf6 {40% for Wh in 20 games} 14. Nd5 exd5 15. exd5 {2-2-4}) 12. Bb3 (12. Rac1 {2-0}) 12... b5 $2 (12... Bd7 13. Rac1 Bc6 (13... Nc6 $11 14. Nd5 exd5 15. exd5 Nf6 16. dxc6 bxc6 $11 {0-2}) 14. Nd4 Nf6 15. f4 Nbd7 16. g4 (16. f5 $16) 16... Nc5 $11 {Anchondo-Garamendi, San Francisco Universe op 1997,0-1}) (12... Nc6 $11 {SF17}) 13. Rac1 $18 {Cloud Engines} Qb7 (13... Nc6 14. Nd5 $18) 14. Nd5 $1 {the first of a number of wh square invasions that Bl can scarcely accept} (14. e5 dxe5 15. Nd5 Bd8 16. Nxe5 $18 {SF17}) 14... Bd8 15. Nd4 (15. e5 $1 dxe5 16. Nxe5 Nf6 17. Nxf6+ Bxf6 18. Bd4 $18 {SF17}) 15... Nf6 16. Nxf6+ Bxf6 17. Nf5 $1 Be7 (17... exf5 18. Bd5 Qe7 19. Bxa8 Nd7 20. exf5 $18 {SF17, may be Bl's best bet}) 18. Nxe7+ (18. Bd4 $1 exf5 19. Bd5 Qd7 20. Bxa8 $18 {SF17}) (18. e5 Nc6 19. Nxe7+ Nxe7 20. exd6 Nc6 21. Bg5 Bd7 22. Rc3 $18 {SF17}) 18... Qxe7 19. e5 Rd8 (19... d5 {still loses an exchange but keeps a pawn}) 20. exd6 Qb7 21. Bg5 $1 Re8 22. Bd5 {a third wh square entry} Qd7 23. Bxa8 f6 24. Rc7 (24. Bxf6 $1 {Sf17} gxf6 25. Rc7 Rf8 26. Qh5 $18) 24... Qd8 25. Rdc1 (25. Qh5 $1) (25. Be4 $1 {both Sf17}) 25... Bd7 26. Be3 a5 27. Bb7 Kf8 28. Qh5 Kg8 29. Ba7 {an intriguing position} g6 30. Qh6 Rf8 31. Bxb8 Rf7 32. Rc8 Bxc8 33. Rxc8 1-0
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