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Oswestry Chess Club
[Event "Church Stretton A v Oswestry B"] [Site "?"] [Date "2024.11.04"] [Round "Bd4"] [White "Shepherd, Graham C"] [Black "Atherton, Marcus"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "E61"] [WhiteElo "1567"] [BlackElo "1511"] [Annotator "Rudy Van Kemenade"] [PlyCount "132"] [GameId "2114011319538374"] [EventDate "2024.11.20"] {[%evp 0,132,19,32,20,22,33,-24,14,10,12,17,19,20,28,31,44,21,30,34,73,36,49,47,46,31,37,0,16,32,24,36,51,61,55,49,111,52,98,50,81,45,68,54,-56,28,60,64,40,45,174,178,178,80,96,70,79,54,170,29,125,115,131,55,67,40,40,47,22,11,119,107,141,123,119,-5,12,-43,-104,-116,152,-143,-126,-127,-124,-146,-54,-390,-23,-157,-161,-67,-144,-237,-105,-150,-131,-162,-148,-156,-157,-133,-150,-171,-98,-140,-127,-152,-141,-358,-156,-186,-180,-43,-119,-143,-109,-112,-88,125,-9,-16,-64,-134,-204,-162,-171,-169,-127,-304,-245,-298,-290,-402,-447]} 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 d6 3. e3 g6 4. c4 (4. Bd3 {original Colle, though having g6 for Bl blunts the idea of a later Bxh7ch which was its intent.}) 4... Bg7 5. Nc3 O-O 6. Be2 b6 (6... Nbd7 {main} 7. O-O e5 8. Qc2 Re8 9. b4) 7. O-O Bb7 8. b3 (8. Qc2) 8... Nbd7 9. Bb2 Be4 $6 {unusual, Bl has gone to the trouble of putting this on the long diagonal where it looks good, but then offers a swap} (9... Ne4 $11 {Cloud Engines. has been played , as in similar lines in the Queens Indian Defence}) 10. Nd2 (10. Nxe4 $16) (10. d5 Bxf3 11. Bxf3 $16 {SF17}) 10... Bb7 11. Qc2 $14 Re8 12. Nf3 e5 13. dxe5 (13. d5 $14 {SF17-takes space, and the Bl QB will need to return via c8 at some point}) 13... Nxe5 (13... dxe5 {Cloud Engines- keeps a bit more tension on}) 14. Nxe5 Rxe5 15. Rad1 Rg5 {interesting, a little risky as the R might get into trouble} 16. f3 (16. g3 Re5 17. Qc1 $14 {SF17}) 16... Qd7 (16... Rxg2+ {is the surprisng SF17 response, though it only leads to equality} 17. Kxg2 Ng4 18. Kh1 Nxh2 19. Nd5 $1 Qh4 20. Kg2 $1 Qg5+ 21. Kh1 Qh4 {repetition}) 17. Rf2 (17. e4 $16 {SF17}) 17... Re8 18. Bc1 Rge5 19. e4 Bf8 {an odd retreat from a good diagonal- perhaps Bl was thinking of having the N go to g7 via h5?} 20. Bf4 R5e6 21. Nb5 (21. Bf1 $16 {SF17}) 21... Nh5 22. Bc1 a6 23. Nc3 Bg7 24. Nd5 Bxd5 (24... Nf6 {SF17}) 25. cxd5 R6e7 26. a4 $2 (26. Bxa6 $18) 26... Ra8 27. Bc4 (27. g3 $16 {SF17}) 27... Ree8 (27... b5 $5) 28. Be3 (28. Qd3) 28... Rec8 (28... b5 $11) 29. b4 (29. Qd3 $18 b5 (29... a5 30. Bb5 Qe7 31. Qd2 {Bl's Rs are tied down, and eventually c7 will drop off anyway})) 29... Qe7 30. Qd3 a5 (30... b5 31. axb5 a5 32. bxa5 Rxa5 33. Rc2 $16 {SF17}) 31. b5 {all except one of Wh's pawns are now on the same colour as the now bad KB.} (31. bxa5 Rxa5 32. Bb5 $18 {compared with the game the Wh K B has a future}) 31... Nf6 32. Rc2 Nd7 33. Qe2 $11 Re8 34. Bb3 f5 $6 (34... Nc5 $11 {safeguards c7, the break with f5 can wait}) 35. Rxc7 $18 fxe4 36. f4 Qd8 37. Rdc1 (37. Rc6 {the R is safe here and attacks two weak pawns} Nc5 38. Bc2 $18) 37... Nc5 $17 38. Rxg7+ (38. Bxc5 $5 Qxc7 39. Be3 Bc3 (39... Qe7 40. g3 $11) 40. g3 Rac8 $17 {SF17}) 38... Kxg7 39. Bc2 Kg8 40. Qc4 Rc8 $19 41. Qe2 Qh4 (41... Nd7) 42. g3 Qf6 43. Qf2 $2 Qf7 (43... Nd3 44. Bxd3 Rxc1+ 45. Bxc1 exd3 $19 {SF17}) 44. Rd1 Re7 (44... Nd3 {Bl's best is still to get open lines for the Rs regarless of the odd pawn sacrifice}) 45. Bd4 Rce8 (45... e3 $1 $19 {same as previous note}) 46. Bc3 Kf8 (46... e3) 47. Bd4 Qf5 48. Qe3 h5 49. Kg2 (49. h4 $5) 49... Rc7 (49... h4 $19 {opens a second front for The Bl Rs}) 50. Rd2 Kf7 51. Bb2 Rb8 {to release the N from duty?} (51... Rg8) (51... Nd3 $1 $19 {Sf17}) 52. Bd4 Re7 53. Bb2 Ke8 54. Bb3 Kd7 55. Bc2 Kc7 {at least the Bl K is ultrasafe} 56. Bd4 Qg4 (56... h4 $1 {SF17}) 57. Bd1 Qf5 58. Bc2 Rh7 (58... h4) (58... Rbe8) 59. Bxc5 bxc5 60. Bxe4 (60. Qxe4 $1 Qxe4+ 61. Bxe4 Rg7 62. h4 $15 {cuts down on Bl'a attacking potentiaties, although eventually the R will prove superior to the B}) 60... Qf6 $19 {Wh has gained a pawn, but given Bl the way in via the efile} 61. Bf3 Re7 62. Qd3 Kb6 {to prevent a sudden b6 ch might could expose the Bl K} 63. Be4 Rg8 (63... g5 {also}) 64. Qf3 Rge8 65. Bd3 Re3 66. Qf1 Qd4 (66... Qc3) (66... h4) (66... g5 {also win, the wh B is incapable of protecting the bl square invasion points.}) 0-1
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