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Oswestry Chess Club
[Event "Oswestry B v Darwinian Kts B"] [Site "Oswestry"] [Date "2024.10.17"] [Round "Brd 3"] [White "Jeukens, Nathan"] [Black "Sadler, Paul"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B76"] [WhiteElo "1610"] [BlackElo "1566"] [Annotator "Rudy van Kemenade"] [PlyCount "109"] [GameId "2102147029312668"] [EventDate "2024.10.18"] [SourceVersionDate "2024.09.14"] {[%evp 0,109,25,16,58,64,85,62,53,33,33,36,59,56,50,35,35,24,25,32,22,20,40,11,21,32,34,34,44,0,9,-45,-45,-36,-37,-68,-83,-97,-91,-90,-88,-93,-58,-66,-72,-72,76,60,72,57,57,35,35,43,65,70,86,78,81,73,73,72,87,87,92,55,81,76,74,39,43,43,141,64,145,142,141,134,149,155,234,181,261,142,191,205,205,181,235,235,287,145,139,135,1084,1115,1127,1211,1840,1894,2092,2215,2061,28621,28116,1278,28095,28092,1498,28119,29973,29974]} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be3 Bg7 7. f3 O-O 8. Qd2 Nc6 9. O-O-O {an older line, that has regained some popularity} (9. Bc4 {alternative}) 9... Bd7 (9... d5 10. exd5 Nxd5 11. Nxc6 bxc6 12. Bd4 e5 13. Bc5 Be6 14. Ne4 Re8 15. h4 {main}) 10. Nxc6 (10. g4) (10. h4) (10. Kb1) (10. Bc4 {main lines, all heavily analysed, in some cases to past move 30}) (10. Bh6 Nxd4 11. Bxg7 Nxf3 12. gxf3 Kxg7 {44% for Wh}) 10... Bxc6 {34 & for Wh} (10... bxc6 {more frequent , opens b file and controls d5, 50%}) 11. Bh6 a6 (11... Qa5 {scores better for Bl}) 12. Bxg7 Kxg7 13. h4 (13. g4 $16 {Cloud Engines, but 1-2-3}) 13... h5 14. Be2 (14. Nd5 Bxd5 15. exd5 $11 {0.5-1.5}) 14... b5 15. Nd5 (15. Qf4 Qa5 16. a3 b4 $17 {Le-Bui, VIE ch U09, Dong Thap 1999,0-1}) (15. Qd4 Qa5 16. a3 Rfd8 17. e5 dxe5 18. Qxe5 e6 (18... Qb6 $11) 19. g4 $18 {Walsh-Crouch, U1600 London Classic, 2018,1/2-1/2}) (15. g4 $11 {Cloud Engines}) 15... Bxd5 16. exd5 Rc8 17. Kb1 (17. g4 $1 Rc5 18. g5 Nxd5 19. b4 Nc3 20. bxc5 Qa5 21. Qd4+ e5 22. Qe3 Qb4 23. Rxd6 Nxa2+ 24. Kd1 Qb1+ 25. Kd2 Qxh1 26. Qxe5+ Kg8 27. Bd3 Qxf3 28. Rxa6 Nb4 29. Be2 $11 {Sf17- the kind of complications inherent in thisline of oppositeside castling}) 17... Rc5 $19 18. g4 Rxd5 19. Qf4 Qa8 (19... Re5 20. Qh2 Rh8 $19 {SF17}) 20. Bd3 Rh8 (20... Rc8 $19) 21. g5 Nd7 22. Rde1 (22. c4 Re5 23. Qd4 Qxf3 24. cxb5 axb5 25. Bxb5 Qf5+ 26. Ka1 Nc5 27. Rhf1 Qh3 28. Bc4 Rf8 $19 {Sf17}) 22... Re8 (22... Re5 $19 {SF17}) 23. Be4 Ne5 (23... Rd4 $1 {SAF17} 24. c3 Ra4 25. b3 Rxe4 26. Qxe4 (26. Rxe4 Nc5 $11) 26... Qc8 27. Re3 Nc5 28. Qc2 Qd7 29. Rd1 Rc8 $11) 24. Bxd5 (24. Qc1 $1 Nc4 25. Rh2 Nb6 26. Bxd5 Qxd5 27. Qd2 Qc6 28. f4 $16 {SF17}) 24... Qxd5 $14 25. Qe4 Qxe4 26. fxe4 Nf3 (26... f6 27. gxf6+ exf6 28. Rd1 Re6 29. Rd2 Ng4 30. b3 Kf7 31. Rf1 Ke7 32. Rd4 Ne5 $14 {SF17}) 27. Re3 Nd2+ 28. Kc1 Nc4 29. Rc3 $18 f6 30. b3 (30. gxf6+ Kxf6 31. Rf1+ Ke6 32. b3 Ne5 {SF17} 33. Rc7 $18) 30... Ne5 31. gxf6+ Kxf6 32. Rc7 (32. Rf1+ Kg7 33. Rg1 Kh6 34. Kb2 b4 35. Rc7 Nf3 36. Rh1 g5 37. hxg5+ Kxg5 38. Rb7 h4 39. Rxb4 Rh8 40. Rb7 h3 41. Rxe7 h2 42. Re6 Kg4 43. Rxd6 Kh3 44. Rg6 Ne5 45. Rxa6 Kg2 46. Ra1 h1=Q 47. Rxh1 Rxh1 48. Rf6 $18 {SF17- the connected passed pawns win the day}) 32... Ra8 {best to avoid protecting weak pawns with a R , rather one needs to try and attack elsewhere} (32... g5 {Bl needs to find play urgently on the K side to counter Wh's longrange winning captures/advances on the Q side} 33. hxg5+ Kxg5 34. Kd2 h4 35. c4 bxc4 36. bxc4 Ng4 37. Ke2 Nf6 38. Ke3 Nh5 39. c5 dxc5 40. Rxc5+ e5 41. Rg1+ Ng3 $14 {SF17- still a difficult game to handle for both sides}) 33. Kd2 (33. Kb2 $18 {allows Wh to play a3 if Bl goes b4}) 33... a5 (33... b4 34. c3 a5 35. Rb7 bxc3+ 36. Kxc3 a4 37. b4 Rc8+ 38. Kb2 Nc4+ 39. Kb1 Nd2+ 40. Ka1 Nxe4 41. Ra7 Nc3 42. Rc1 d5 43. b5 $18 {SF17}) 34. a4 (34. a3 Rb8 35. Ra7 a4 36. bxa4 bxa4 37. Rxa4 Rc8 38. Ra7 $18 {SF17}) 34... bxa4 35. bxa4 Ra6 (35... Rb8 $1 36. Ra7 Ke6 37. Rh3 Rb1 38. Ke2 Nc4 39. Rg3 Kf6 $11 {SF17}) 36. Ke3 (36. Rb1 $18) 36... Rc6 {usually its best to keep pieces on when behind in an endgame. Here the R & N cooperate better than Wh's disconnected Rs, so Bl should keep his R on principle.} (36... Rb6 37. Ra7 Rb8 38. Rd1 Nc6 $11 {SF17}) 37. Rxc6 (37. Rf1+ Ke6 38. Rxc6 Nxc6 39. Rf8 $18) 37... Nxc6 38. Rb1 Ke6 (38... g5 39. Rb5 gxh4 40. Rxh5 Ke6 41. Rxh4 Kd7 42. Rh5 Ne5 43. Kd4 Nc6+ 44. Kc4 Kc8 45. Rd5 Kc7 46. Rb5 e6 47. c3 e5 48. Rd5 Kd7 49. Kb5 Kc7 50. Rd1 $18 {SF17}) 39. Rb6 Kd7 40. Rb5 Kc7 41. Rg5 Ne5 42. Kf4 Kc6 43. Rxe5 {getting to a K & P ending is easier to calculate, ( though that doesn't stop people going wrong even then)} (43. Rg3 Kc7 44. Rc3+ Kd8 45. Rb3 Nc6 46. Rb5 Kc7 47. Kg5 Nd4 48. Rxa5 Nf3+ 49. Kxg6 (49. Kf4 Nxh4 50. Kg3 {wins N}) 49... Nxh4+ 50. Kxh5 Nf3 51. Rb5 Nd4 52. Rb1 Nc6 53. Kg4 $18 {SF17}) 43... dxe5+ 44. Kxe5 {SF17, best} (44. Kg5 {vk as its not necccesary to worry about the e pawns'but this was based on a visual idea, not on real calculation as it ought to be.} Kc5 45. Kxg6 Kb4 46. Kxh5 Kxa4 47. Kg4 Kb5 48. h5 a4 49. h6 a3 50. h7 a2 51. h8=Q a1=Q 52. Qe8+ Kb6 53. Qxe7 {one of them has to go anyway.Checking with Szsygy tablebases this is winning for Wh in all variations,because of Wh's active K, but still takes some doing}) 44... Kd7 (44... Kc5 {was what worried Wh on reaching this position, but it all works for Wh.( it does show up some of the complexity inherent in what look to be quite simple K & P endings)} 45. Ke6 $1 Kd4 (45... Kb4 46. Kxe7 Kxa4 47. e5 Kb4 48. Kd6 a4 49. e6 a3 50. e7 a2 51. e8=Q a1=Q 52. Qb8+ Kc3 53. Qh8+) (45... g5 46. hxg5 h4 47. g6 h3 48. g7 h2 49. g8=Q h1=Q 50. Qg5+ Kc4 51. Qb5+ Kc3 52. Qxa5+ (52. e5 Kxc2 53. Kxe7 $18) 52... Kxc2 53. Qd5 $18)) 45. Kf4 (45. c4 Kc6 (45... g5 46. hxg5 h4 47. Kf4 Kd6 48. g6 Ke6 49. e5 h3 50. Kg3 Kxe5 51. g7 $18) 46. Ke6 (46. Kf4) 46... Kc5 47. Kxe7 g5 48. hxg5 h4 49. g6 h3 50. g7 h2 51. g8=Q h1=Q 52. Qd5+ Kb4 53. e5 $18 {SF17}) 45... Ke6 46. Kg5 {What follows is a reconstruction as both players had stopped scoring with less than 5 mins. The final from move 50 were, with some inaccuracy, recorded by vk} (46. c4 Kf6 47. e5+ Ke6 48. Ke4 Kd7 49. Kd5 e6+ 50. Ke4 g5 51. hxg5 h4 52. Kf4 h3 53. Kg3 $18 {SF17}) 46... Kf7 (46... Ke5 {is a drawn position} 47. Kxg6 Kxe4 48. Kxh5 Kf4 49. Kg6 e5 50. h5 e4 51. h6 e3 52. h7 e2 53. h8=Q e1=Q) 47. c4 {this sequence is replicated by the Engine as one of its lines} e6 48. c5 e5 49. c6 Ke6 50. Kxg6 Kd6 51. Kxh5 Kxc6 52. Kg4 Kc5 53. h5 Kb4 54. h6 Kxa4 55. h7 1-0
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