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Oswestry Chess Club
[Event "Oswestry B v Maddocks B"] [Site "?"] [Date "2024.11.14"] [Round "Bd1"] [White "Tarr, Steve"] [Black "Cosens, Paul"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A45"] [WhiteElo "1827"] [BlackElo "1875"] [Annotator "Rudy van Kemenade"] [PlyCount "57"] [GameId "2113360282071540"] [EventDate "2024.11.18"] {[%evp 0,12,23,34,15,7,5,14,13,16,19,17,-14,1,39]} 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 e6 3. e3 b6 (3... c5) (3... d5) 4. Qf3 {played by the lite GMs} (4. Nf3) (4. Nd2) 4... Nc6 5. c3 (5. Nc3 {main}) 5... Bb7 6. e4 Be7 $146 (6... Qe7 $11 {Cloud Engines, not yet played}) (6... Ne7 {2-2-1}) 7. Nd2 O-O 8. Be2 (8. Bd3 {Cloud Engines}) 8... d5 (8... d6 $11 {SF17}) 9. e5 $16 Nd7 (9... Ne4 $5) 10. Bd3 $18 {Bl's K side is short of defenders} Qe8 11. h4 (11. Qh3 f5 12. g4 $18 {SF17}) 11... f6 $15 12. Qh3 (12. Qg3 fxe5 13. Bxe5 Ncxe5 14. dxe5 Nc5 15. Bc2 Rd8 16. O-O-O d4 $15 {SF17}) 12... Qf7 (12... fxe5 $1 13. Bxe5 (13. Qxe6+ Kh8 14. Bxe5 Ncxe5 15. dxe5 Bc5 16. Qxe8 Raxe8 $19) 13... Ndxe5 14. dxe5 Nxe5 15. Qxe6+ Nf7 16. Qe2 d4 $19 {SF17- it's the Wh K still in the middle}) 13. Ngf3 (13. exf6 Nxf6 14. Ngf3 $14 {SF17}) 13... Rad8 (13... fxe5 14. Bxe5 Ncxe5 15. dxe5 g6 $11 {Sf17}) 14. Bxh7+ $18 (14. Ng5 $1 $18 {Sf17}) 14... Kh8 15. Bd3 (15. exf6 Nxf6 16. Bd3 $18 {SF17}) 15... fxe5 $11 16. Bg3 Bd6 (16... exd4 17. cxd4 e5 $11 {SF17}) 17. Ng5 $18 Qe7 18. Bg6 (18. Nxe6 Rde8 19. Nxf8 exd4+ 20. Ne6 Qxe6+ 21. Kf1 Bxg3 22. Qxg3 dxc3 23. bxc3 $18) 18... exd4 $11 19. cxd4 (19. O-O $11) 19... Nxd4 (19... Qf6 20. Qxe6 Bxg3 21. fxg3 Qf2+ 22. Kd1 Nxd4 23. Qe7 Ba6 $17 {Sf17}) 20. Qg4 (20. Bxd6 Qxd6 21. h5 e5 $11) 20... Nf6 $2 {missing the threat} (20... Nf5 21. Bxd6 Qxd6 $11 {SF17}) 21. Qxd4 $18 e5 22. Qa4 Ra8 (22... a5 {is a little better}) 23. O-O c5 24. Rfe1 a6 25. Qd1 b5 26. Nh7 (26. Bxe5 Bxe5 27. Ndf3 $18 {SF17}) 26... Ng8 27. Nxf8 Rxf8 28. Qh5+ Nh6 29. Bxe5 1-0
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