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Oswestry Chess Club
[Event "Oswestry B v Maddocks B"] [Site "?"] [Date "2024.11.14"] [Round "Bd5"] [White "Viszokai, George"] [Black "Grocott-James"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "B34"] [WhiteElo "1372"] [BlackElo "1431"] [Annotator "Rudy van Kemenade"] [PlyCount "107"] [GameId "2113622493192232"] [EventDate "2024.11.18"] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 g6 5. Be3 Bg7 6. c3 {Solid but also more passive} (6. Nc3) (6. c4 {alternatives}) 6... Nf6 7. Nd2 O-O 8. Bc4 (8. Be2) (8. Bd3) 8... d6 {43% for Wh} (8... d5 {32% for Wh; if Bl can get in d5 against a Sicilian without drawback, then matters are usually going very well.}) 9. O-O a6 {0.5-3.5} (9... Ng4 {main}) 10. h3 e5 $146 11. N4f3 $11 b5 12. Bb3 Bb7 13. Bg5 Ne7 14. Bxf6 Bxf6 15. Re1 Qc7 16. Nf1 Rad8 17. Ng3 (17. Ne3 Bc6 18. Bd5 Bg7 $11 {SF17}) 17... d5 18. exd5 (18. Qe2 $11 {SF17}) 18... Nxd5 $17 19. Bxd5 Bxd5 20. Qe2 Bc4 21. Qc2 Rfe8 22. Ne4 Bg7 $19 {SF17- the Bl pieces control the board. and the Wh Ns will soon be forced to retreat.} 23. Qc1 Qc6 (23... f5 {SF17 & vk}) 24. Qg5 Bd3 (24... f5 {SF17- looks better , keeps D file for the Rs}) 25. Qe3 Bxe4 (25... f5 $1 {SF17- wins material. Bl should be aining at a K side attack not swapping down pieces} 26. Nc5 f4) 26. Qxe4 Qxe4 27. Rxe4 f5 {Wh has an easier position now that there are fewer pieces that Bl can target} 28. Re2 $11 Bf6 29. Kf1 e4 30. Nh2 $6 {The N is misplaced here} (30. Ne1) 30... Rd3 $17 31. g3 Red8 (31... Rb8 $5) 32. Kg2 Kf7 33. Nf1 Ke6 (33... Rd1) 34. h4 (34. a4 $11 {Wh threatens to get the QR into play} b4 35. cxb4 Rb3 36. b5 axb5 37. axb5 Rxb5 38. Ra6+ Rd6 39. Ra2 Rdb6 40. Ne3 Rxb2 41. Rexb2 Rxb2 42. Ra6+ Kf7 43. Ra7+ Ke6 44. Ra6+ Kf7 45. Ra7+ $11 {SF17}) 34... h5 35. f3 $2 {miscalculation} (35. a4 $11 {as previous note}) 35... Rxf3 $19 36. Nd2 Rfd3 37. Nb3 Be7 {The B is well placed on f6, so better} (37... R8d5) 38. Nd4+ Kd5 39. Kf2 (39. Nb3 {perhaps}) 39... Bc5 40. Ke1 Bxd4 41. cxd4 Rc8 {takes the open file, but much stronger looks} (41... Rxg3 $1 {when Bl's menacing passed pawns give Wh no time for any action on the c file}) 42. Kf2 Kxd4 (42... Rc4 43. Kg2 Rcxd4 44. Rf1 Rd2 {swapiing off a pair of Rs makes it easier for the Bl K to enter even further in}) 43. Rae1 Rf3+ 44. Kg2 Re8 (44... Kd3 $1 45. a3 Rc2 46. Rxc2 Kxc2 $19 {SF17}) 45. Rd1+ Ke5 (45... Rd3) 46. Rd7 Re6 47. Rc7 Rd6 48. Rc5+ Kd4 49. Rcc2 g5 50. hxg5 Rg6 51. Kh3 Rxg5 52. Rg2 h4 {short of time, Bl gives away a pawn, and then no longer feels in control, though the position remains clearly winning for Bl} (52... Rg4 {prepares h4, but there are other ways in as well}) (52... e3 53. Rc6 f4 $19 {SF17}) (52... f4 53. Rgd2+ Rd3 54. Rf2 Rgxg3+ 55. Kh4 Rg4+ 56. Kxh5 Rg8 57. Rxf4 Rh3+ 58. Rh4 Rh8+ $19 {SF17}) 53. Kxh4 Rg6 (53... Rg8 {slightly better- in principle when attacking a K with Rs keep them as far away as possible}) 54. g4 {[Draw?]} (54. g4 Rxg4+ {is a very comfortable win for Bl} 55. Rxg4 (55. Kh5 Rh3#) 55... fxg4 56. Kxg4 Rf8 $1 (56... Rf1 {was SF17 first idea, then after a little time for vreflection it settled on vk's principled move of Rf8. Basically the Wh K is cut off from the e pawn, so Bl can just settle down to Q it with the help of their K thus winning the R,and can then decide to pick off all of the Wh pawns ( so if the flag falls it won't be a loss) or just get on and mate with the standard K & R vs K})) 1/2-1/2
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