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Oswestry Chess Club
[Event "Oswestry B v Newport Juniors A"] [Site "Newport"] [Date "2025.01.28"] [Round "Bd 2"] [White "Slegg, Gary"] [Black "Chan, Waylon"] [Result "0-1"] [Annotator "Slegg,Gary"] [ECO "D00"] [WhiteElo "1589"] [BlackElo "1633"] [PlyCount "70"] [GameId "2139290368479242"] [EventDate "2025.??.??"] {[%evp 11,70,-61,147,123,150,144,152,140,164,180,188,196,189,155,229,122,115,108,128,82,156,115,189,152,162,117,135,40,264,267,275,155,179,134,149,111,112,97,109,1,1,-107,-113,-141,-112,-469,-415,-716,-380,-722,-688,-779,-667,-1050,-1037,-1045,-1011,-1055,-662,-1082,-1058] D00: 1 d4 d5: Unusual lines} 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Bc4 Nf6 5. f3 exf3 6. Nxf3 Bg4 $2 {[%eval 147,22] [#]} (6... Bf5 $15 {[%eval -61,19] stays ahead.}) 7. Bxf7+ $1 $16 {[%mdl 576] Decoy} Kxf7 8. Ne5+ {[%mdl 64] Discovered Attack, Double Attack} Kg8 9. Nxg4 {White is clearly better.} Qd7 (9... Nbd7 10. Qe2 Qe8 11. O-O h5 12. Ne5 Nxe5 13. dxe5 Nd5 14. Nxd5 cxd5 15. e6 Qg6 16. Bd2 h4 17. Rf2 Qxc2 18. Raf1 Qe4 19. Qxe4 dxe4 20. Rf4 Rd8 21. Bc3 Rh6 22. Rxe4 h3 23. g3 Rd6 24. Ref4 {Boraso,A (2308)-Brunner,N (2414) INT 2021 0-1 (34)}) (9... e6 10. O-O Be7 11. Ne5 h5 12. Bg5 h4 13. Qd3 h3 14. g3 Nd5 15. Bxe7 Nxe7 16. Nf7 Qd7 17. Nxh8 Kxh8 18. Rf7 e5 19. dxe5 Qe6 20. Qd8+ Ng8 21. Raf1 Qg4 22. Rf8 Na6 23. Rxg8+ Kh7 24. Rh8+ {Capp,S (1920)-Vargas,M (2094) INT 2022 1-0}) 10. Ne5 Qf5 11. Rf1 ({Don't play} 11. g4 Qe6 $16) 11... Qe6 12. Qe2 $146 (12. Qf3 Nbd7 13. Bf4 g6 14. O-O-O Bg7 15. Rfe1 Nh5 16. Nxd7 Qxd7 17. Be5 Rf8 18. Qe2 Rf7 19. d5 h6 20. dxc6 Qxc6 21. Rd8+ Kh7 22. Rxh8+ Bxh8 23. Bxh8 Kxh8 24. Qd2 Kh7 25. Qd5 Qxd5 26. Nxd5 e6 {Nielsen,J (2068)-Jensen,S Copenhagen DEN 2004 1-0 (41)} 27. Rxe6 Rf1+ 28. Kd2 Rf2+ 29. Kc3 Rxg2 30. Re7+ Kh8 31. Rxb7 Rxh2 32. Rxa7 Rh3+ 33. Kd4 g5 34. Ne3 g4 35. c4 g3 36. c5 Rh4+ 37. Kc3 Nf6 38. c6 Nd5+ 39. Nxd5 g2 40. Nf6 Rh3+ 41. Kc2 {1-0 (41) Nielsen,J (2068)-Jensen,S Copenhagen 2004}) 12... g6 {[%eval 229,23]} (12... Nbd7 $16 {[%eval 155,23] keeps fighting.} 13. Bf4 g6) 13. Qc4 {[%eval 122,21]} (13. g4 $18 {[%eval 229,23]}) 13... Qxc4 14. Nxc4 (14. Be3 {looks sharper.} Qe6 15. Rf3 Bg7 16. O-O-O) 14... Nbd7 15. Bf4 {[%eval 82,21]} (15. Na5 $142 {[%eval 128,22]}) 15... Bg7 {[%eval 156,23]} ({Better is} 15... Nd5 {[%eval 82,21]}) 16. O-O-O {[%eval 115,22]} ({White should play} 16. Na5 {[%eval 156,23]}) 16... h6 {[%eval 189,21]} (16... b5 $16 {[%eval 115,22]}) 17. Rde1 g5 18. Bg3 {[%eval 117,22]} ({Stronger than} 18. Rxe7 gxf4 19. Ne2 Bf8 $17) (18. Bd2 $18 {[%eval 162,23]}) 18... Re8 19. Na5 {[%eval 40,21]} (19. Bf2 $16 {[%eval 135,22]}) 19... Nd5 $2 {[%eval 264,24]} (19... Nh5 $14 {[%eval 40,21]}) 20. Nxd5 $18 ({Weaker is} 20. Nxb7 Bxd4 21. Nxd5 cxd5 $16) 20... cxd5 21. Nxb7 {[%eval 155,21]} (21. c3 $18 {[%eval 275,23]}) 21... Bxd4 $16 22. Nd6 {[%eval 134,25]} (22. Rf5 $18 {[%eval 179,24]} e5 23. Na5) 22... Rf8 23. Nf5 {[%eval 111,24]} (23. Rxf8+ $142 {[%eval 149,23]} Kxf8 24. Nb5) 23... Bf6 24. Rf2 Rh7 25. Re6 {[%eval 1,21]} (25. Ne3 $16 {[%eval 109,24]}) 25... Nc5 $11 26. Re1 {[%eval -107,24]} (26. Rc6 $11 {[%eval 1,23] remains equal.} Ne4 27. Rf1) 26... Ne4 $36 {[%mdl 2048] Black has strong initiative.} 27. Rf3 g4 28. Ra3 {[%eval -469,25][%mdl 8192]} (28. Rd3 $17 {[%eval -112,23] is a better chance.}) 28... Bg5+ $19 29. Ne3 {[%eval -716,24]} (29. Kb1 $142 {[%eval -415,24]} Rxf5 30. Rxa7) 29... Nxg3 30. hxg3 $2 {[%eval -722,25]} (30. Kd1 {[%eval -380,24]} Ne4 31. Nxd5 Nf2+ 32. Ke2) 30... d4 {Black is clearly winning.} 31. Rxa7 dxe3 32. c4 Rhf7 {[#] ...Rf1 is the strong threat.} 33. Kc2 Rf2+ 34. Kd3 R8f6 {aiming for ...Rd6+.} 35. Rxe7 Rd6+ {Weighted Error Value: White=1.16/Black=0.83} 0-1
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